If Shashi Tharoor reacts on Triple Talaq

After Arnab exposed 19 revealing audio tapes of the forgotten Sunanda Pushkar murder case, Congress leader and the main suspect, Mr. Shashi Tharoor took to Twitter to take a jab at Arnab. The tweet soon went viral due to the overqualified English he used to convey his disappointment to the mass. Half of the Indians ignored because English is too much to carry, the other half were at the Amazon and Flipkart apps to buy the latest edition of Oxford Dictionary. Well, Twitter had its laugh, so now I present a fictional statement of Mr. Shashi Tharoor on Triple Talaq.

"The dinkum sporadic growth of Triple Talaq and it's murky ways to attenuate the milquetoast muslim women in India is a clue of woebegone efforts to enfeeble their women. These women have been incessantly hegemonized by the men of their theology. The history has been the corroboration of exoneration of these men from their fidelity. Every time they had to do something sagacious to edify themselves they hide in Sharia's milieu.
After my recrimination on Arnab, I read an article which said : "Woman given Triple Talaq for giving namkeen to her parents". How diabolical can these jejune people get? I wonder if they have ateliers to burgeon these ideas. They flummox me with such manoeuvres. This act is minatory to the Indian sodality of muslim women. They should instead, clutch their women in abrazo and make their love float aeonian as if it were oleaginous and be uxorious. Triple Talaq has been hypostatatized as a weapon to trample and squelch the voice of these frangible women. Their tumescent lackadaisical attempts at elevating their women is  just another banal untravailing endeavour at subjugating their women. Power of men should be conjugated by finally indulging in autoschediasm and propounding a law to let women give Triple Talaq to nullify the peripeteia of this drama. Only then gratulation will be cherished......
.......Oh crap! Parvenu resembling kakistocratic Arnab's espial team is here. I need to shirk into hiding. I am indefatigable, I will run forever. We will stop the interview for the nonce & continue sometime later."



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